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*mE aNd HaY*

*mE aNd HaY*

*me and cammie*

*me and cammie*

Friday, November 30, 2007


people i am new to the new blogging thing but you know no big deal right?!?! so yeah!!!! i am a 12 year old who likes to hang out with her friends!!!! i like to sing and act last summer i was in a play called las mis. i have other family members that have blogs to so i really wanted one also.

any way back to me jk (just kidding for the ones who dont know what that means) i have two brothers (ahhhhh) sorry one is 10 and one is 7 know how that is! well kory is like all into the whole baseball thing so yeah i cant play that even if i tryed. aaron is into everything i he dose all of the sports!!!!! i am in 7th grade. yeah that is so sick i hate it. well i like to be with my friends but the whole learning thing is so like ahhhh. and they wont let you have your cell phones out!!!! yes i have a cell phone (a juke to be exact) i think that kids my age need cell phones!!!! it is a need not a want!!!!!!!! jk!!!

o bye the way i learn really fast so i will be a pro in no time!!!!!! o and i like big so that is why my font is big ok it is not it is big to make it look like i wrote more!!!!!! haha

well all for now bye bye!!!!!


Janice {Run Far} said...

Oh Arrie thanks for the comment. Good luck on your blogging.. its super fun.. you are now on my friends list.. Love you tons

Sarah said...

arrie, welcome to the blogging world...it is addicting but fun! I am excited to see what's going on in your crazy busy life! Hope you are doing well, as glen would say, "remember who you are and what you stand for!" peace lady!

Cammie said...

arrie!! have you like forgotten about this thing, or do you just not like doing it? well you better get going!!!
