Put Whatever here!
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*mE aNd HaY*

*mE aNd HaY*

*me and cammie*

*me and cammie*

Friday, November 30, 2007


people i am new to the new blogging thing but you know no big deal right?!?! so yeah!!!! i am a 12 year old who likes to hang out with her friends!!!! i like to sing and act last summer i was in a play called las mis. i have other family members that have blogs to so i really wanted one also.

any way back to me jk (just kidding for the ones who dont know what that means) i have two brothers (ahhhhh) sorry one is 10 and one is 7 know how that is! well kory is like all into the whole baseball thing so yeah i cant play that even if i tryed. aaron is into everything i he dose all of the sports!!!!! i am in 7th grade. yeah that is so sick i hate it. well i like to be with my friends but the whole learning thing is so like ahhhh. and they wont let you have your cell phones out!!!! yes i have a cell phone (a juke to be exact) i think that kids my age need cell phones!!!! it is a need not a want!!!!!!!! jk!!!

o bye the way i learn really fast so i will be a pro in no time!!!!!! o and i like big so that is why my font is big ok it is not it is big to make it look like i wrote more!!!!!! haha

well all for now bye bye!!!!!
