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*mE aNd HaY*

*mE aNd HaY*

*me and cammie*

*me and cammie*

Friday, June 6, 2008


OK! last week was the week of school EVERYONE has been waiting for! it was the LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL!! it was CRAZY FUN! well the first few days it was just kinda whatever because we didnt have school on monday! so tuseday we did whatever and wensday was a 1/2 day! ON THURSDAY my school went to seven peaks and we also got our year books!
this picture to the bottom of me is a picture of left to right courtney myca me kady niki and riley! we went to seven peaks at about ten thirtyish! so we just kinda chilled in the hallways and took pictures of EVRYTHIN!!! it was soo much fun and then we got to seven peaks and it was SOO cold!! it was just crazy!! so then the day was done!

the next day was the last day of school i went to like one of my eight class' yes i know im such a bad girl!! i am a sluffer! but they didnt care and didnt take role so why go to class when you can be with your friends in the hallway and just chill!!

so the last day of school was just a blast but REALLY sad i didnt want to go! i missed all my friends before i even left school and i was grounded because i didnt lision to my ma the first time! whoops! thats a picture of lacce and courtney!

That saterday aka the next day aaron got baptized the next day oh my heck that was so fricken cool! i felt all the fellings of my own baptizm that day! so i had to sing a song for it! amberly played the panio! it could have gone better i think! but it was really cool because i got to see all my famlily agian!

well all for know oh and on tusday ill be a 13!!!!
i loved this pic so much i had to have it on my blog thanks amberly!!!
