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*mE aNd HaY*

*mE aNd HaY*

*me and cammie*

*me and cammie*

Sunday, May 18, 2008


OK! As some of you know i LOVE David Archuleta!!! Well he isn't my TURE love but i will marry this kid! Ya me and all the rest of the girls in the WORLD!!
I think he had a PRETTY good chance of winning! I found out all by my self that if you use just ONE phone to vote with for the full two hours only for 5 seconds each call you can get 1,800 votes in!!
I guess math really does come in handy in live!! HA who knew!!
Well lets cross our fingers that he will WIN!! if he does that would be soo cool!! then he will do lots of concerts in UTAH and i will go to some!! yippee!

Friday, May 16, 2008


I'm way happy i just figured out how to make the music play lists!!! so now i have a little bit of music on my blog! yippee! its not as quite and i don't like to be quite and you probably know!!
ha! i didn't have school today! (Friday) so me and two of my closest friends (Courtney and Myca (Myca's a girl cuz i know some boys whose name is Myca))went and saw IRON MAN (on Thursday)!!! it was soo good!!! its my new fav movie!! after that (the movie got over kinda later then we tough it got over at about 10!then we had a sleepover!! it was soo much fun!!! hope you guys have had a good week!! i have!! love ya all tons! stay out of trouble, remember who you are, make good choices!!
also in that pic we all just woke up!! ha!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


as you can see i haven't writ en in my blog for about...... 3 days... i mean months! that's way i say SORRY!!! i totally broke my promise of trying to do it like once or twice a week but i have been way way WAY busy with school!! i will try for lots more since school is almost out!!! AHHHH!!! im so existed!!!

Anyways what i have been up to... well lots of stuff school for one! thats just pain icky!!! but we all have to do it. oh over spring break i had a hugemugo sleep over with my girly friends! that was lodes of fun! the pic to the right is a pic of some of us at like 12! we all got REALLY scared!!!

As some of you know kory's baseball team had a luau. I took the girl on the right of both of the two pictures above and to the side. Her name is Courtney, shes one of my best friends she is my homie/dawg/sista/ninja (dont ask.) anyways she and i both dressed up. this is me!!!

Thats all i have for now. ill have more LATER!!! ta ta for now!!!

