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*mE aNd HaY*

*mE aNd HaY*

*me and cammie*

*me and cammie*

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Me and my freinds also the school play

HELLO!!! sorry that i havent writen for a little bit! i was in the school play and it was really busy and FUN!

the top left picutre is my friend myca doing my hair when i was messing around!! my friends and i have lots of fun when we get together!!!!

that other picture is of me doing one of my friends (zac) makeup!! because he is a boy he asked me to help him! let me tell you he had no idea how to place his eye it was kinda funny!!

the very top picture at the right is of me courtney linds and camron (dont worry he is one of our friends) but he was sitting down and so we all wanted to squish him so we did it was really funny!!!

the picture to the right is of linds and mariah!! mariah is my favorite red head!!! ha ha!! anyways mariah lives over by my hernandez grandparents and i knew her when i was little!! but i didnt know that till the middle of the school year!! funny how small a world this is huh!! o and mariah know glen and sarah she said that jade and aly are soo cute and i so agree with her!!
well bye bye for now and everyone have a good valintines day!!! o and the show was wonderful i had lots of fun!!!
